A parent or guardian must certify that he or she has read this information for all applicants under 18 years of age.
Exploring is a program of Learning for Life–a nonprofit organization that provides character and career programs and resources to youth across the country. Exploring is made available to our nation’s youth through agreements with community organizations to operate Exploring clubs and Exploring posts.
The participating organization must provide an adequate and safe meeting place and capable adult leadership, and must adhere to the principles and policies of Exploring. The local council provides adult training, program ideas, outdoor facilities, literature, professional guidance for adult leaders, and liability insurance protection.
Exploring’s adult leaders provide leadership at the unit, district, council, and national levels. Many are parents of Explorers. Each participating organization establishes a unit committee, which operates its Exploring unit, selects leadership, and provides support for a quality program. Unit committees depend on parents for membership and assistance.
The unit committee selects the post advisor or club sponsor, subject to approval of the head of the participating organization and of Learning for Life. Adult leaders must be good role models because our children’s values and lives will be influenced by that adult. You need to know your child’s adult leaders and be involved in the unit committee’s activities so you can evaluate and help direct that influence.
Exploring uses an interactive program to promote character development, citizenship training, and career education for every participant. You can help by encouraging attendance, attending meetings for parents, and assisting when called upon to help.
Child abuse is a serious problem in our society, and unfortunately, it can occur anywhere. Youth safety is of paramount importance to Exploring. For that reason, Exploring continues to create barriers to abuse beyond what have previously existed in Exploring.
Exploring places the greatest importance on providing the most secure environment possible for our youth participants. To maintain such an environment, Exploring has developed numerous procedural and adult leader selection policies, and provides parents and adult leaders with numerous online and print resources for the Exploring programs.
Health Information
You should inform your unit leader of any condition that might limit your child’s participation. Please fill out the Annual Health and Medical Record found on www.exploring.org and give it to the unit leader.
The annual national registration fee is nonrefundable.
For general questions, contact your local council.
Participating organizations agree to use the Exploring program in accordance with their own policies as well as those of Learning for Life. The program is flexible, but major departures from Exploring methods and policies are not permitted. As a parent, you should be aware that
Youth participation is open to any youth in the prescribed age group for that particular program. Adults, 12 years of age and older, are selected by participating organizations for involvement in the Learning for Life programs. Color, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, disability, economic status, and citizenship are not criteria for participation by youth or adults.
You and adults involved with Learning for Life programs, including Exploring, are registered with Learning for Life as participants.
Ethnic background information. Please fill in the appropriate circle on the application to indicate ethnic background. This information helps Learning for Life and Exploring plan for success in serving all youth.
Learning for Life appreciates you taking time to become familiar with Exploring. We feel that an informed parent is a strong ally in delivering the Exploring program. Help us keep the unit program in accord with Exploring principles. Please do your fair share to support a quality program.
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